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About Management
With the dawn of independence, importance has been laid on imparting quality education in the country, as good education alone will help people to rise up in various walks of life. The government alone will not be able to develop education exclusively in the public sector and hence has entrusted organizations to shoulder some of its responsibilities.

Mr. A.N. Radhakrishnan, M.A., D.Com.,
is the Managing Trustee. He is the backbone of the Trust. Mr. Radhakrishnan has with him rich teaching experience as a Senior Lecturer in Commerce for over three decades in State Institute of Commerce Education (SICE), which is under the control of Dept. of Technical Education, Govt. of Tamilnadu. His rich experience in teaching is mainly instrumental in starting Educational Institutions in the fields of Engineering, Medical and other Para Medical courses.

Tmt. Gomathy Radhakrishnan
is the Chairperson of Sri Muthukumaran Educational Trust has rich experience in the field of Education. She was the proprietrix of 3 Commerce Institutes, viz., Sivasakthi, Babuji and Sakthi Institute of Commerce and has won many state awards. She continues to be associated with all Educational activities and is offering her valuable guidance.

Mrs. Meenakshi Ammal
Mrs. Meenakshi Ammal is an Educationist with 30 years of teaching experience to her credit. This apart, she is an able administrator, capable of handling all types of Educational Activities. The growth of the Trust in the field of Education is predominantly due to her untiring efforts with total dedication and devotion.